Reflecting on 2022

December has always been a time to get quiet, look at where I’ve been and get clear about where I want to go. How do I wish to change, stay the same, or adjust personally and professionally in the coming year?


A look back over 2022


As I look back on 2022, I’m thrilled and satisfied with the work, the new client relationships made, and the unique and exciting brands designed—the success of each client’s website and the growth of their businesses. There is so much to celebrate, and I am incredibly grateful and humbled by those former clients reaching out for advice, support, and feedback as they reflect, assess, and change themselves. I’m honored to be part of that process with them.


Overall it’s been a great year.


However, I cannot ignore the long stretch of time that I referred to as a dry spell; if I’m honest, it was frightening. I questioned so much. There was still work but no new brand clarity & design clients for what felt like a very long time. But I realized that the space this ‘dry spell’ created was a blessing. It allowed me to look at the business and assess what I was doing, how I worked, and my process. I could determine what areas of my work filled me with joy and those that made me uncomfortable, the things I did because I thought I had to.


Most importantly, I revisited how I could serve my clients better. What do they need from me, what makes a difference for them, and what about my work sets me apart and elevates them?


I considered whether I was spreading myself too thin. Was I going after a larger audience than necessary? Do I need to niche and narrow my focus?


Blessed with time to reflect, I thought about the clients I love working with and those not so much. There was no doubt that I needed to take my own advice and get greater clarity.


Here’s where I landed


and I couldn’t have found this place without taking the time and giving myself the space to pick my head up, get out of working in the business, and focus more on the business. By taking my own advice and getting clear, crystal clear, I know the focus is on incredible women doing incredible things.


My work is relational.


A partnership develops, and together through guidance and collaboration, we gain the necessary clarity on the client’s brand, passion, and gifts. We find her magic and then explore how to bring it to life to attract and engage her ideal audience.


My work must be relational to be fulfilling and worth doing. It’s never transactional. Whether branding, clarity, growth or personal development, a partner offering guidance and collaboration is key to success. I believe this with all my heart, which is why I hired a business coach. This remarkable woman helped me see how relational my business needed to be and how I thrived when strong relationships developed.


With new light shed on the business,


I created, where the focus is solely on brand clarity and design for women in business.


Ultimately, I decided the Agency, which served me well for a time, needed to go away, so I’m no longer trying to be all things for everybody. takes the Agency’s place with a more focused and relational approach to creating distinct and memorable brands that attract and engage.


While December is the month of reflection for me, the time and space to reflect earlier in the year was a gift. I gained more clarity and confidence in the brand strategy and design services I offer women in business.


Sometimes what we offer others is precisely what we need ourselves.


If I can help you with some reflection and assessment of your 2022, schedule a Clarity and Connection call here.


In the meantime, may your holidays and New Year be filled with joy! 


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