Impactful | Intentional | Captivating

What brings you here?

You want to make an impact,  to influence, and inspire others and make a meaningful difference. 
You have spent years cultivating your talent and are now ready to start your coaching, consulting, or service-based business.

Sue Forrest Favicon

It’s time for your brand to reflect who you are.

You’ve spent years honing your craft and building relationships with your best clients.

Sue Forrest Favicon

You’re ready to turn your passion into your livelihood and need guidance.

Sue Forrest Favicon

You are unique, and your brand should be equally one-of-a-kind.

Your story. Your why.

The foundation for brilliant brand design is your story and your why.


It’s having crystal-clear insight into who you are, the magic that makes you unique, the internal problem you solve, for whom you solve that problem, and the transformation you offer.

8 Gates Consulting Mood Board
Brand Mockup for EMPOWER Personalized Fitness

Your vision.

Whether you’re looking to remake, refresh, or rejuvenate your current brand or you are just getting started, I help bring clarity to your work.


Together we lay the groundwork for an intentional, all-encompassing brand that goes well beyond a logo.

A brand designed to differentiate will position and elevate you and your business for substantial impact and influence.

Here’s how we’ll work together:



Your story is your superpower.

It’s what unlocks possibility in others.

I want to know and understand who you are. I want to uncover your brand’s reason for being, to dig deep into your identity to know what kind of person you are and how that can be intertwined into your brand so people feel a genuine connection with you.

Girls holding hands and wearing pink tulle skirts



Branding is connection. We define the customers for your product or service perfectly. Knowing what they want and struggle against enables us to create a brand that speaks to them, stands out from others, and connects you to them.

Inspiration Notebook with Pantone Swatch Books and Color Pencils



We create your ultimate first impression. With a design that integrates color psychology and seasonal brand personality theory, this process is collaborative and fun.

The results are a brand identity with a clear purpose and structure that beautifully communicates your story, connects you to the right audience, and fills you with energizing confidence to impact and ignite others.

How can I help you?



You’re a small business start-up in need of a simple brand identity.

You’re just stepping into your role as a coach, consultant or service-based business owner.


Simple Clarity

Wordmark Design

Brand Board





Coaches, consultants, and service-based businesses ready for a full brand or rebrand.



Brand Clarity
Brand Strategy
Identity Design
Guide Book + Style Guides

Web Design Brief


Premium Pro

Small businesses ready for a full brand or rebrand that includes website design.



Premium Package + Website Design




You’re unsure about where to begin?
How do you know if you need to rebrand?

Is your brand incongruent with who you’ve become? 

Is your brand perceived as you intended?



Let’s talk and make an assessment. 

Free 60-Minute Advisory Call

Retainer Packages Available

If you’re interested in any of these packages, let’s talk about the details and goals for your brand.

Click the Next Step button and complete the contact form on that page. I’ll reach out to you within 24 hours.

Or, you’re welcome to schedule a free Clarity & Connection call here.

Confidently share your brand, your passion, with the world.

This is a refreshingly different approach from larger firms and online courses.


It’s a true partnership, guidance, and collaboration in developing a brand that reflects

your best self rather than a DIY program that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and stuck.


Everything we create together will fill you with confidence and guide

how you approach all aspects of your business.


Your brand will tell your story, communicate your message,

set you apart, and attract the right people.

Finding Brand Clarity Free Gift

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Finding Brand Clarity

This free guide will teach you why it’s so important to get abundantly clear about your brand before you begin designing, writing copy, or even naming your business.

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