
Hello! I am thrilled that you’re here.


Quite honestly, the last thing I ever saw myself doing was blogging. Seriously, how could I possibly have enough to say, and who would want to hear it? Those were my thoughts. I suppose you could call them my limiting beliefs.


The idea of having a blog meant I had to write about branding because that’s what I do. And because, oh my gosh, I can’t write, I would need a content writer to help with that. I also wondered, are there not enough branding experts out there? Is there space for another one? And, of course, I would never refer to myself as an expert.


But, when I realized that my area of expertise is guiding and collaborating with women in business, I knew I had so much to share. I also knew that I had to get vulnerable and let women see me, especially if I was telling them that I get them and I see them.


I’ve realized that I have been working and growing my Agency for nearly 25 years. It looks very different now than it did that long ago. It has truly evolved, and so have I. With this evolution came business lessons, growth and setbacks, which were just new lessons in themselves. Within those years are genuine nuggets of wisdom, strength, encouragement, and motivation worth sharing. And that’s what this blog space will be, a place for sharing what I know to be true for women in business, our unique struggles, potential setbacks, and how we can grow and succeed. I say potential setbacks because I would like to guide you in a way that lessens the setbacks or might even allow you to see that you could change course or press on without second-guessing or doubting yourself and your decisions.


The experts online talk about the mechanics of starting and growing a business. They’re covering the website content, lead magnets, consistent and authentic messaging, sales funnels, and marketing plans. What I have learned, and is far more valuable, is how deeply we need to know ourselves.


This is the secret ingredient, knowing ourselves.


Knowing without question your personal values, your core beliefs, and your personality are what make you unique. It’s what sets you apart. YOU are what draws your ideal clients to you. It’s YOU that they want to engage with. Leaving YOU out of the equation is a big mistake.


This is my area of expertise, guiding small business owners in the discovery process of self. Another way to put that is finding the essence of your personal brand. I believe this is often a very feminine concept. Women need to understand themselves deeply, determine their unique strength and value, and then, and only then, can we successfully put ourselves out there as a business that serves its customers well.

Without getting to the core of ourselves, our business feels stagnant; something is missing. It might even be attracting the wrong clients, and we struggle to understand why.


What I know to be true is that we’re not meant to be alone, not in life, and not in our business. We need guidance and collaboration. This combination is a winner and how I work with my clients. Results issued from a collaborative effort, are far superior and more effective than those from projects done for you, without your input. without shared thoughts and experiences coming to the table.


So, I am here to guide you, offer a bit of wisdom from my own experience, and collaborate with you to bring about the business and personal success you’re working towards. This space will allow us to get to know ourselves deeply. I will share my journey so that it can propel you forward, faster.


I promise to stay honest and authentic and to get vulnerable. Because as Brené Brown tells us, “There is no courage without vulnerability.”

I have been where you are. I see you. I get you. I am you.


I’m so looking forward to guiding you and collaborating with you.


See you again soon.


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